Other Media

Audio and Video Resources



Intuitive Public TV (video)

Recorded on February 17, 2025 by Intuitive Community host Megan Elizabeth Morris. This conversation was inspired by the positive experience members of the Intuitive Network had at the Berrett-Koehler Foundation’s global Co-Creating a World that Works for All online conference. We talked Open Space and the welcoming conditions it creates for all.


Episode 2 – Getting the whole system in the room (audio)

Recorded on October 25, 2024 for Tonnie van der Zouwen‘s Podcast series Creating level playing field for collaboration. The series was inspired by the Global Summit on Co-creating a World that Works for All, an online convening we were part of organizing.

In the podcast, I highlight the significance of purpose, the role of diversity for collective ownership, how deep listening breaks through tensions, and the ethical responsibility of facilitators to create hospitable environments that encourage authenticity and belonging.


A Presencing Approach: Embodying Emergence (video)

On October 18, 2023, Allie Middleton, author, poet, embodiment coach, interviewed me about what it means to engage emergence. She used the questions from her book, Yoga Radicals. I love the visual created by her friend Geisa Paganini DeMio.


Awakening Together – Episode 19 – Welcome Disturbance with Anne Stadler and Peggy Holman (video)

Recorded on August 3, 2022, Sheri Herndon hosted a conversation with my dear friend Anne Stadler and me. Anne died on October 28, 2023 at the age of 92. I makes this conversation all the more precious. More about it all is on the Awakening Together website. We covered a lot of territory on welcoming disturbance, taking responsibility for what you love, and other keys to self-organizing. On You tube: Awakening Together – Episode 19 – Welcome Disturbance with Anne Stadler and Peggy Holman (1 hour 30 min)


The Open Space Living Room – Episode 2 – Peggy Holman (video)

Recorded on June 24, 2023, this conversation on Open Space Technology with Open Space Institute-U.S. board members Harold Shinsato and Rijon Erickson shares stories, challenges and lessons I’ve learned from opening space since 1996. On YouTube: The Open Space Living Room – Episode 2 Peggy Holman (1 hour 14 min)


Embracing Emergent Coherence (audio)

Recorded December 6, 2022, enjoy a conversation with Douglas Ferguson of Voltage Control on supporting diverse groups to face complex issues. Have a listen. The recording is also available on Spotify: Control the Room Podcast Episode 125: Embracing Emergent Coherence. (40 min 42 sec)


Emergence: Our Story (video)

Recorded on March 24, 2022, Kathryn Alexander of Bridge to Partnership interviewed me about the role of emergence for achieving generative change.


Emergence in Generative Change (video)

On January 3, 2022, I spoke with members of the third cohort of Tova Averbuch and Rotem Ofer’s program for large group facilitation. We explored emergence, the edge of chaos, and other subjects related to generative change.


Connecting across differences: How to move from debate to dialogue (audio)

Recorded on September 9, 2020, I was a guest on Dr. Jim Maddox’s podcast Chatting about Change where we talked about how to use the power of dialogue to reimagine our shared future.


Reflection: Emergence & Belonging (video)

Recorded on July 13, 2020 by Building Belonging, this panel discussion on emergence brings together perspectives from Nora Bateson, the Bateson Institute, Sanjay Purohit, Societal Platform, and me.



Disrupting the Status Quo (video)

I delivered a keynote address on disruption, differentiation, and coherence at the DONA International conference on July 31, 2016. (DONA – Doulas of North America)


Journalism that matters in a world gone mad (video)

Recorded October 2017 at the COS Conference, I tell the story of how a racially motivated shooting in 1999 sparked my journey working with journalists and allies to reinvent journalism so that people, communities, and democracy thrive.


Journalism That Matters, mini interview with Jeffrey Abelson (video)

At the October 12-14, 2012 National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation conference in Seattle, Jeffrey Abelson, interviewed me for Song of a Citizen,  a non-profit, non-partisan collaboration producing innovative films and web videos designed to spark a much-needed upgrade in how we-the-people view our role as citizens.


Navigating through Chaos and Telling a New Story, One Becoming One Radio (audio)

On May 24, 2013, I joined radio hosts Sheri Herndon and Erik Lawyer on their weekly talk show, One Becoming One: The Heart of it ALL.

The focus of the hour-long interview was how best to work with upheaval and chaos. I talked a bit about the  workshop I’m did, Engaging Possibilities: Appreciative Inquiry and the Art of Radical Appreciation, on July 8-10, 2013 near Jerusalem, Israel. And we talked about journalism in changing times.


Making Sense Out of Chaos
An interview for Community Learning Exchange – CLExchangeonair with Cheryl Fields on Blog Talk Radio.  Some of the questions we discuss:

  1. Everyone is familiar with chaos, but I’d like to begin by describing what you mean by emergence for our listeners. What is it and how does it show up in our lives and in our work?
  2. Early in the book you tell the story of how your own perspective on engaging emergence began. Tell us about that experience?
  3. It strikes me that one intention of your book is to provide people with tools for overcoming the emotions of fear, panic and retreat that instinctively emerge when we’re confronted with upheaval. These emotions are a natural response to crisis, but how do they get in our way as we’re trying to adjust to these disturbances?
  4. In your preface you talk about achieving breakthrough solutions rather than compromises that no one is happy with. We’ve seen a lot of the latter on Capitol Hill in recent years. How does engaging emergence help us to arrive at innovative solutions?
  5. What are the five principles of emergence?

Recorded on September 7, 2010

Order from Chaos at the OD World Summit

Session Handouts – Recorded on August 24, 2010 – ODWS 2010 from HRcafepedia on Vimeo

Interview on Open Space Technology for the Organization Development World Summit

Recorded on July 29, 2010

Open Space Technology – An interview on The Jim Rough Show, Port Townsend TV


Watch Open Space Technology in Activism & Non-Profit
Filmed on July 14, 2009

Engaging Emergence on The Jim Rough Show, Port Townsend TV


Watch Engaging Emergence in Educational & How-To
Filmed on July 14, 2009
