A “Conversation” on Open Space Technology

On Thursday, July 29th at 18:00 CET/9:00am Pacific/Noon Eastern, the hosts of the upcoming Organization Development World Summit 2010, happening in Budapest in August are sponsoring an online chat with me on Open Space Technology.

You’ll have a chance to watch a recorded 20 minute interview I did on Open Space: http://odws2010.weebly.com/ and post questions and comments in a chat space on the page.

I’m hosting a 1 and a half day pre-conference workshop in Budapest called Open Space Technology: Supporting Self-organization at the conference on August 21st and 22nd.

The online chat is an appetizer.

How Does the Chat Work?

The interview will be broadcast at: http://odws2010.weebly.com/. You just need a computer and  internet access to participate.

During the interview, you can post comments and questions  on the website.  I’ll respond to as many of the questions and comments as I can.  So come online and ask about what interests you!
